If you would like more information, please contact us at 970-264-5513 or send an email to [email protected]. We have rolling enrollment and maintain a waiting list year round. Please click on the waitlist form link to add your child to our current waiting list.
Tuition Information:
We utilize a sliding scale based on income to determine your child’s monthly tuition. The table is formatted according to your child’s schedule. Please read the table as follows: 1st number listed is full-time schedule rate, 2nd number is MWF schedule, and 3rd number is TTh schedule. Use your families’ adjusted gross income and number of people in your household to determine the monthly rate.
This includes breakfast, a hot lunch, and an afternoon snack.
**The onetime nonrefundable $100.00 registration fee due at the time paperwork is picked up** |
If you are in need of tuition assistance, you may be eligible for Colorado Child Care Assistance through the Department of Human Services. Please visit for more information.
We are also a Colorado UPK, Universal PreK, provider. Visit to apply. Child must be in the final year (age 4) before Kindergarten for eligibility.