Introducing our incredible 2024 Celebrity Pagosa Springs Stars

dancing for the highly coveted Mirror Ball Trophy.

Bo DePena
Bo was born in the town of Laredo, Texas and spent his college career perusing a degree in business administration at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. After completing his MBA in Austin, TX, Bo began traveling the country as a singer/songwriter, playing everything from blues to folk, bluegrass, and eventually, country and western. Bo has played music in over 25 states, most notably, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, and New York.

After playing in Pagosa Springs in 2016, Bo fell in love with not only the beauty of the town, but the community as well. In August of 2023, he and his wife Amy, welcomed their first son, Leo into the world. His birth has inspired them to think deeply about the need for access to quality early-childhood education and a positive environment in which children can develop the necessary foundation to thrive as lifelong learners. As an example of Bo’s dedication to lifelong learning, he has recently taken up lead guitar and vocal lessons to improve his foundational skills.

Voting for Bo, means voting for a family that is very close to the Seeds mission.

MorgAnne Foster
MorgAnne FosterSTAR DANCER
Here in town, MorgAnne and her husband, Ryan Foster, own and operate a martial arts school primarily focused on forging children’s character into greatness. Working to better our youth and community is their life’s mission.

MorgAnne works alongside several non-profits and small businesses to make a difference in every way possible. She believes greatness is best achieved with a team of people up to the same mission and vision in life, which she is lucky to have found and continue finding in Pagosa.

She is honored to be a part of this event to uplift the smallest, yet most powerful little world changers, our youngest generation.

Janna Lilly
Janna Lilly is a lifelong educator who spent her career working to improve the lives of students with disabilities and their families. She concluded her career as Director of Special Education for Austin Independent School District and then as a registered lobbyist for the Texas Council of Administrators for Special Education.

During her career, Janna lobbied states and the federal government for increased public education funding often citing research showing the dramatic benefits of early childhood education. In addition Janna has seen firsthand with her own grandchildren (9!) how early learning can change the trajectory of a child’s life.

Retired here in Pagosa, Janna volunteer tutors struggling readers and enjoys the Colorado lifestyle with her husband, John Thomas.

A vote for Janna, supporting SEEDS, is the best return on an investment you can make for a child, her/his family, your community and the greater economy by supporting quality.

Roy Tinguely
As someone who has probably sat in more classrooms than most over the years, while becoming a doctor and surgeon, Roy has seen firsthand the need for having a strong base in education to grow and learn. It may sound a bit corny, but Seeds of Learning literally “plants the seeds” of life-long learning to these young, eager minds. This is so important as it gives them the best opportunities to make learning an important habit rather than a boring, “can’t wait til it’s over” chore.

As parents of five professionals, Roy and his wife Debbie have instilled education (aka Seeds of Learning) to their children from an early age. As a relative newcomer to Pagosa Springs, moving here in 2017 to “semi-retire”, Roy was persuaded to work full-time as a surgeon at the local medical center. He also makes time for hiking with Debbie and friends, trying to keep up with their energetic German shorthaired pointer, Trudy. He enjoys reading mysteries, cooking, golfing, and recently started dabbling with oil painting.

Roy is so excited to be a part of Dancing with the Pagosa Stars, allowing himself to give back to this amazing program. He realizes the importance of an early education and Seeds of Learning offers a high-quality learning experience with dedicated and caring teachers. He feels grateful to be able to help give back to this welcoming community by dancing out of his typical comfort zone with this potentially embarrassing endeavor.

Ramon Badell
Growing up in Caracas, Venezuela, Ramon was honored to receive a scholarship to study engineering at the University of Kansas. There, he met his wife, Dennise. They have two sons, both extremely intelligent, very good looking, musically talented…and single. After Ramon worked as an automation engineer for the oil industry for nearly 40 years, he retired and the couple moved to Pagosa Springs in 2020.

Music has always been an important part of Ramon’s life. He sings and plays guitar as well as many Latin percussion instruments. While living in Kansas City, Ramon co-founded the band Son Venezuela, an inductee in the Kansas Music Hall of Fame. In Pagosa, he plays in two local bands: Out On Work Release and Mountain Alibi.

Legend has it, in Venezuela children learn to dance before they learn to walk. Recognizing the importance of early childhood education, not only in the arts but also in providing a foundation for long-term learning, Ramon is pleased to support the Seeds of Learning organization by using his fundraising and dancing skills.

Veronica Medina
Veronica MedinaSTAR DANCER
Commissioner Veronica Medina was born in Craig, Colorado. Veronica and her husband Mauricio, moved to Archuleta County in 2014 to care for her parents. Veronica is a mother of 5 boys and a “Nana” of 14 grandchildren.

Veronica is the first Hispanic/Jicarilla Apache woman to be an elected Archuleta County Commissioner. Veronica’s work life experience includes Human Resources manager, Realtor, Notary Public, Mediator, Translator and Risk Manager.

Veronica is passionate about her community volunteering for many local organizations. Dancing with the Stars means so much to her because it is a small way in which she can proudly assist the children of Archuleta County!